Tag Archives: hens party

Party Planing 101: How to be a good client

Whether you’re throwing a hens, bucks, birthday or corporate party – the fundamentals of piecing it together are relatively the same and the process can be quite stressful for the organiser.

For some people, being in charge of planning a big event is a challenging but exciting opportunity to put on something amazing – for others however, it can be an incredibly daunting situation, especially if its a large group where you don’t know everyone in attendance.

But whether you’re excited to be in charge or not  – the fact is that a lot of people simply don’t have the time it takes to research, contact and plan out every aspect of the party- even more so if your wanting to plan a party that has more than one main event.

So with everyone’s busy schedules these days its no surprise that more and more people are choosing to book through an events planning company such as GoBananas.
For some, using an event planner is the very best thing – whether they have time or not, whereas others can find it a little harder to let go of the reigns and trust their party rep.
This goes both ways however with your party rep being able to trust you (the client) to let us organise your party.

So, here are GoBananas top tips on how to be a great client and make the planning process easier for everyone involved:

  • Communicate your expectations clearly – from the very beginning its important that your party rep has a clear idea of activities you want to book, even if you haven’t 100% made up your mind we need to know the direction you want your party to go in.
  • Allow reasonable time for work to be done – of course planning an event is a time sensitive issue as the party date is the dead line, but its important for the client to understand that your booking is not the only party in motion for the whole company, while it is a priority for us – its not the only one.
  • Be available for questions – in some instances your party rep wont be able to continue on a certain aspect of your party until they’ve got the go ahead from you – making sure that you are available to talk or respond to your reps queries in a timely fashion is imperative for making sure your events progress doesn’t fall behind.  Or if you know you’ll be unreachable for a few days – please let your rep know so they wont think you’ve vanished off the face of the earth.
  • Pay on time – this one is a biggy. A lot of the time our clients are waiting on their group members to pay before they can forward this onto us, so we always recommend that you give your group a cut off day to finish paying you at least week prior to the final payment being due overall. Nobody wants to be getting annoyed phone calls about overdue bills and we certainly don’t like giving them.
  • Don’t micromanage your party rep – you’ve come to booking agency for a reason so it doesn’t make sense to then try to control every single aspect of the booking at every point along the way. You’ve hired a company to do a job – so trust in their expertise and sit back and relax.
  • Be the single point of contact – a surefire way to get wires crossed and cause mistakes in a booking is to bring on another person half way through to deal with your party rep. Chances are they wont know the booking as well as you and things can get messy when they suddenly want to change something that has already been decided. Keep it nice and easy and follow through from the start.
  • Give credit where due – a lot of business these days relies on word mouth, so if you think the company did a great job with you booking and you were happy with how everything turned out, then pass on the details to friend or family who may be looking for something similar. A good word goes a long way.

Keep these tips in mind when booking your next party and you’ll be best buds with your party planner in no time – making the whole experience much easier and more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Happy Planning!


Hens Party Games

At GoBananas we are happy to organise the venue, activities or entertainment, but sometimes it is difficult to come up with ideas for hen games, that are going to entertain and keep the bunch laughing, so we have come up with our top 5 hens party games. Check them out and enjoy:

Pin the Penis on the Man

This Hens party game is a laugh once the girls have had a bit to drink or as an ice breaker.

What you’ll need:

  • A pin up picture of a naked man – It could be fun to put a picture of the husband to be head on the body.
  • A picture of a penis
  • A blind fold

So this game works like the traditional game of pin the tail of the donkey but with a few alterations.
Blind fold the lady and arm her with the picture of the penis, spin her around and let the laughter flow watching her struggle to find the right spot. Everyone takes a turn, remember to mark where everyone lands and the closest is the winner.

Hands free shots

Get everyone up and on their feet and set the mood for a fun filled evening.

What you’ll need:

  • Two sets of dress up clothes
  • Two forks for each team
  • A bottle of booze per team
  • A shot glass for each team (you may want to have spares as this can get messy)

Divide the hens party into two teams and watch the competitiveness of the guests come out. The aim of the game is to dress up in the clothes, run (a short distance) to where the shot is waiting but instead of picking the glass up with your hands you need to use the forks provided. Once you have completed the shot, run back and dress your next team member. The team who gets everyone through the fastest is the winner.

How well do you know the bride

A great way to get to know the hen a bit more, maybe find out a few embarrassing secrets…

What you’ll need:

  • Pen and paper for everyone in the party (you may want to split into teams if you have a large group)
  • Questions that have been answered by the bride before the hens party

Ask the group the question and see what they think the bride answered. This game can be lots of fun when it comes to the bride having to fess up to the truth. Eg. What age were you when you lost your virginity? To make the game a hit, ensure you ask questions that are hard, things that not everyone will know about.

Dip the Tampon in the drink

This might not be the type of game you want to play with your future mother in law as it can get rude but if she is that way inclined then go ahead and get the fits of laughter started.

What you’ll need:

  • A tampon for everyone playing
  • A string long enough to tie around your waist and drop to your knees
  • A bottle with a smallish opening (not too small that the tampon won’t go in without force) for each team
  • Some liquid in the bottles (it should be coloured so that people can tell once you have dipped)

Get everyone at the hens party to tie a tampon onto the long string and then around their waist so it hangs to around their knees. Split into teams and line up not far from the bottles. The aim of the game is to get the tampon into the bottle without using your hands. Stand above the bottle and squat. The fun part about this game is watching the techniques used. It can be quite difficult so keep the encouragement flowing. The tampons also make for hilarious decorations once the game is over.

Find the bling in the cream

If you’re a hen who is up for a challenge and is not afraid of getting messy than this game is sure to entertain your party guests.

What you’ll need:

  • A bling ring for the hen to wear as a souvenir for the rest of the night
  • A container filled with cream or jelly

This game is one that is a specific challenge for the hen, she needs to retrieve the ring from the cream dish with her mouth, no hands allowed. Its harder than it sounds and makes for some great photos, but perhaps a messy bride…….



Games for Hens Parties in Australia

Looking for some great Hens party games ideas for your hens party? We are Gobananas can help you out with ideas and also plan your day. Check out our party favourites below, a mix of naughty or nice, so you decide how you want your party to run.

Need help with your activities and where to do your hen games – check out the rest of the website.

 Pop the Question

Think about all the things you want to know about the bride or better yet think about what you know that you think will be funny for everyone else to know…

What you will need:

  • Enough balloons for everyone to have one each
  • A small piece of paper for every hen
  •  A pin for the bride

Give everyone in at the hens party a piece of paper that is small enough to be rolled up and put inside the balloon, take the time to write your carefully thought about question for the bride to be. Once you have decided and written it down, roll it up, put inside the balloon and blow it up. Put all the balloons in the centre of the room, let the bride lose with the pin, whatever balloon she pops she needs to answer the question, if she chooses not to she has to complete a default penalty.

Toilet Paper Runway

The most common hens party game out. It’s easy, it’s fun and creates a lot of laughs

What you will need:

  • Rolls and rolls of toilet paper

Divide your party into even teams. Probably best to limit the group size to around 4. Each team will select a model, the rest of the players need to design and create the best wedding dress they can using only toilet paper. Give them a time limit of say 10 minutes and then the models can strut there stuff down the run way while there team mates describe the dress, the inspiration and all the selling points. The Bride can choose the winners.

 Ice Cube Melters

Who has the ability to think outside of the square? See who can come up with the most creative way to melt ice cubes.

What you will need:

  • Ice cubes – enough for each team to melt 5 ice cubes each

Split your hens party into groups, it’s up to you how many ladies per team it may depend on how big your group is. You need to select one person to be the referee. To play, the referee hands one ice cube to a team member, it is then up to the team to melt that ice cube using only skin contact – it cannot be put in your mouth or using any external props. Once you have melted your ice cube the referee will hand you the next cube. The first team to melt 5 cubes in the quickest amount of time is the winner. The referee can decide the penalty for the losing teams or the prize for the winners.

Peggy Sue

This is a great hen game that lasts the whole party or for however long you want it to. It is sure to keep everyone on their toes and in stitches laughing.

What you need:

  • A clothes peg

The aim of the game is to get the peg onto an unsuspecting hen without her knowledge. Once you have attached it to her (the trickier the spot the better so think outside the box, eg. Clothes, hair) without her catching you out shout “Peggy Sue” and then begin a countdown from 10-1. Everyone at the hens party then needs to check themselves to ensure they haven’t been caught out. If the hen doesn’t find the peg before the countdown ends then she has to face a penalty at your discretion.


A simple hen game that gets everyone involved and includes chocolate, what more could you want?

What you need:

  • A big bag of maltesers
  • Enough drinking straws for everyone at the hens party
  • A big bowl and a small bowl

Place the bag of maltesers in the big bowl in the middle of the table and watch your hens crowdaround. Give everyone a straw, what happens is everyone takes turns to use the straw to suck out as many maltesers as they can in 30 seconds. The Hen with the most maltesers at the end is the winner.



Hens Party Themes

Make your hens party one to be remembered by giving it a theme. Dressing up is always fun and once you’ve picked your theme you’re free to let your imagination run wild when it comes to decorations, games and activities. It can also help with deciding on a venue.

Keep in mind that your theme may limit where you can go and what you can do, for example fine dining restaurants may not want people dressed up as a naughty nurse sitting in the main room. Coming up with a theme is the hard part but we have some ideas to hopefully make it a little easier. Maybe think about including the hen in this decision, so she can spend her last weekend of freedom dressed however she wants.


  •   Personal to the Hen

You could make the party theme specific to the bride to be. Maybe the theme could be the

first letter of her name, her favourite sport or activity, or her favourite place ie. The beach.

  •  Retro theme

Step back in time and break out the bell bottom pants and tie dye. The great thing about this

theme is that most of the outfits from back in the 60’s are back in fashion now.

  •  Favourite celebrity theme

Come along dressed up as your fav celebrity, whether its Madonna, Marilyn Munroe or Lady

Gaga, spend the night living like the person you always dreamed of being.

  •  Naughty and nice theme

Dress up as a naughty nurse, cheeky nun or angel. This theme is sure to catch the eye of passers by.

  •   Coloured theme

This is probably one of the simplest themes for people to dress up for and also to decorate

the venue, pick a colour and get to it. Maybe use the hens favourite colour.

  •  Fantasy job theme

Have you ever wanted to be a police officer, fireman, school teacher well now is your time to

dress up and play the part.

  •  Sex and the city theme

Bring on the cosmos and couture! Dress up like Carrie and the girls and enjoy an evening of

the finer things in life, fancy shoes and lots of bling. This is the night to bring out that piece

of designer clothing that you have never had any use for but simply HAD TO HAVE!

  •   Gatsby hens theme

Get the champagne flowing and the fairy lights strung for this theme. Dust off the

headpiece, bring out the 1920’s dresses and don’t forget the high heels. Dress up like the

ladies in the movie Great Gatsby or ladies in Moulin Rouge Paris. Plenty of inspiration. This is

a fun theme to work with and plenty of activities to go with it as well. Think Burlesque

dancing lesson, cabaret shows etc.

