Hens Party Games

At GoBananas we are happy to organise the venue, activities or entertainment, but sometimes it is difficult to come up with ideas for hen games, that are going to entertain and keep the bunch laughing, so we have come up with our top 5 hens party games. Check them out and enjoy:

Pin the Penis on the Man

This Hens party game is a laugh once the girls have had a bit to drink or as an ice breaker.

What you’ll need:

  • A pin up picture of a naked man – It could be fun to put a picture of the husband to be head on the body.
  • A picture of a penis
  • A blind fold

So this game works like the traditional game of pin the tail of the donkey but with a few alterations.
Blind fold the lady and arm her with the picture of the penis, spin her around and let the laughter flow watching her struggle to find the right spot. Everyone takes a turn, remember to mark where everyone lands and the closest is the winner.

Hands free shots

Get everyone up and on their feet and set the mood for a fun filled evening.

What you’ll need:

  • Two sets of dress up clothes
  • Two forks for each team
  • A bottle of booze per team
  • A shot glass for each team (you may want to have spares as this can get messy)

Divide the hens party into two teams and watch the competitiveness of the guests come out. The aim of the game is to dress up in the clothes, run (a short distance) to where the shot is waiting but instead of picking the glass up with your hands you need to use the forks provided. Once you have completed the shot, run back and dress your next team member. The team who gets everyone through the fastest is the winner.

How well do you know the bride

A great way to get to know the hen a bit more, maybe find out a few embarrassing secrets…

What you’ll need:

  • Pen and paper for everyone in the party (you may want to split into teams if you have a large group)
  • Questions that have been answered by the bride before the hens party

Ask the group the question and see what they think the bride answered. This game can be lots of fun when it comes to the bride having to fess up to the truth. Eg. What age were you when you lost your virginity? To make the game a hit, ensure you ask questions that are hard, things that not everyone will know about.

Dip the Tampon in the drink

This might not be the type of game you want to play with your future mother in law as it can get rude but if she is that way inclined then go ahead and get the fits of laughter started.

What you’ll need:

  • A tampon for everyone playing
  • A string long enough to tie around your waist and drop to your knees
  • A bottle with a smallish opening (not too small that the tampon won’t go in without force) for each team
  • Some liquid in the bottles (it should be coloured so that people can tell once you have dipped)

Get everyone at the hens party to tie a tampon onto the long string and then around their waist so it hangs to around their knees. Split into teams and line up not far from the bottles. The aim of the game is to get the tampon into the bottle without using your hands. Stand above the bottle and squat. The fun part about this game is watching the techniques used. It can be quite difficult so keep the encouragement flowing. The tampons also make for hilarious decorations once the game is over.

Find the bling in the cream

If you’re a hen who is up for a challenge and is not afraid of getting messy than this game is sure to entertain your party guests.

What you’ll need:

  • A bling ring for the hen to wear as a souvenir for the rest of the night
  • A container filled with cream or jelly

This game is one that is a specific challenge for the hen, she needs to retrieve the ring from the cream dish with her mouth, no hands allowed. Its harder than it sounds and makes for some great photos, but perhaps a messy bride…….

