‘Tis the Season….(to be prepared)

Christmas is a magical time of year, especially for us folks Downunder who don’t have to deal with freezing cold temperatures and snow.
Now there’s no denying that all us at some point in time, have wished we lived somewhere where we could wake up on Christmas morning to a fresh frosting of snow on our front lawn and the dream of sipping hot cocoa by the fire…. but for the most part we love the fact that for us, this festive season means beaches, BBQ’s and booze. And of course: XMAS PARTIES!!!

Some of you might think we’re crazy – bringing up Xmas already when we’re not even out of winter yet,  but every good party planner knows that when it comes to the silly season, adequate preparation is imperative!

Just think – out there now is some poor soul who’s fretting over the fact that they’ve drawn the short straw this year and are now in charge of organizing an amazing and entertaining array of events to entertain a bunch of people, all of whom have very different tastes and opinions about the ‘in’ thing to be doing.
Why are they fretting you ask? Surely it’s not so difficult to piece something together when we’re still at least 3 months away from putting up the tinsel? Well fret they must, because even now function rooms, party boats and fun-filled activities are starting to book out for the summer. It can be a lot for one person to take on.

So what should a person in this position do? Book with GoBananas.
Now we’re not saying that we’ve got the Monopoly on all the Xmas party activities in Australia and that your first choice is absolutely going to be available for the time and date that you want it, but what we are saying is that when you book us you get the piece of mind of knowing that your party plans are in very safe hands.

We’ll take care of everything for you, from chasing up venues and suppliers to lock in availability, organizing payments and answering any questions you have, you wont have to do any of the boring work that comes with putting together a large scale party, all you have to do is tell us what your after and then show up on the day and reap the glory that comes from planning such an amazing soiree.

Even if you haven’t the faintest idea about what to do, we can send you through suggestions and ideas that are suited to your group size and budget.

So give a call, flick us live chat or submit and enquiry via our website and we’ll welcome you into the wonderful world of Christmas Parties – Downunder Style!

1300 635 462

staff xmas party